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Showing posts from 2016

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility Testing is a non-functional testing type. This means anyone can use a particular web application, mobile application, website, or any other software package. Any human means not only perfect men or women but also differently able people as well. Things can be used for testing, 

What makes better QA

This question is on mind of all QA and QE engineers , As per my experience following will made better QA, Design cases together with team.  Test first. Be more technical.  Be on definition of done. Touch it , feel it and sense it. Ability to code review. Responsible.  Monitoring and assisting operation works.  Be knowledgeable on the domain.

Can I use constructors with in Unit Test?

Actually the answer is yes but not recommended. This problem came to my mind time ago at the start of selenium project. I used and end-up with many run time errors. If you use constructors then your test project will build without error but there can be run time error specially when calling it by other class.

Seven Principles of Testing

According to the ISTQB there are seven principles of  testing. They are , Testing shows presence of defects: Testing can show that defects are present but it is not the proof of correctness of the software product. Testing cannot find out all defects there can be many bugs remain in the software.

Things a QA engineer must know about JSON

JSON : J ava S cript O bject N otation JSON highly used in web services and rest applications. When a tester testing API he/she should have some knowledge to pass JSON objects and to understand received Jason response.  JSON is not a replacement of XML but it is very much useful in mobile applications. XML file size much larger than JSON and mobile applications prefer lightweight ways to communicate. In that case JSON is the most suitable one.

How do you setup connection string with windows authentication.

Hi guys, I know setting up a connection string is a simple deal as all of us do daily. Have anyone came across with issue of setting up connection with a local server and using windows authentication.  May yes and may be no. Whatever lets see what is the correct way of defining connection string for local database with windows authentication.

Quick Guide to XML

Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format which is both human-readable and machine-readable. It is defined by the W3C's XML  1.0 Specification and by several other related specifications, all of which are free open standards. Look at the following sample XML carefully,

How do you identify performance issues when there is a third party web service involve :).

Differences between Severity ,Priority and Status

In market there are many bug tracking and project management tools available. These tools allow us to keep essential information of a bug or task. You will see there are three places have to fill when key in a task. Those three places are Status, Priority and Status of a bug/task. Let's see what those stand for.  Severity Priority Status Connotation Severity of a bug means how much it affecting to functionality of the software. Total damage it can do. Priority means how fast a bug or task should be resolve. Status means the current position of the bug/task. Types            Critical            Major            Moderate            Minor           Cosmetic           Low           Medium       ...

Selenium WebDriver : How to write test cases to search anything in Google (c#)

using System; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome; using OpenQA.Selenium.Support; using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver)

WebDriver or selenium 2.0 is the most widely used tool of selenium family.  This API fit with the same role played by Selenium RC.  In simple way can be express webdriver in following format, Selenium 1.0 (IDE) + RC = Selenium 2.0 This has come to address to reduce limitations of RC server and to overcome the IDE drawbacks (only support for Firefox browser). In the long run WebDriver goal is to provide fully object oriented supporting testing tool which will give the durable solution to many modern advanced web application testing difficulties.   Supporting browsers Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Android, iPhone (Calls native methods of the browsers).    Supporting programming languages C#, Java, Ruby, Python, JavaScript  Supporting operating system Windows, Solaris, Linux