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Showing posts from 2013

Programming with ASP.NET MVC4 - Part 02

Accessing model data from a controller  In this fragment I am going to explain how to retrieve data from database by controller and display using view template. If you are new to the MVC refer part1. Step 1:  Add controller to your MyMVCMovieList project. Choose and add following details to your controller when adding, Controller Name :- MovieController Template: - Controller with read/write actions and views, using Entity Framework. Model class: - Movie (MvcMovie.Models). Data context class: - MovieDBContext (MvcMovie.Models).

Programming with ASP.NET MVC4 - Part 01

Getting start…. The verbal meaning of MVC is M odel V iew C ontroller. Which is well tested architecture especially designed for web based solutions. Model : classes that represent application data and business rules View: template files application will able to use for dynamically generate html responses. Controller: classes which are manage browser request, retrieve data from model and define the view template for browser response.   Let’s start with simple application. Creating project First of all make sure you are going to use visual studio 11 or above version with c#. Step 1:  Click on FILE ->New ->Project. Step 2: Select Web under Visual c# ->ASP.NET MVC4 Web Application and name project as      “MyMVCMovieList” -> click OK button.

MVC Architecture

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design pattern recently most popular among software engineers for applications which are needed to provide multiple views with using same data. I am suggesting MVC is better than WCF, because of this module separation. For an examples       ·          Multiple views and controllers can interface with same model for modification even those never exist before add this model.       ·          It is supporting all type of HTML verbs.       ·          No view state and post back events.       ·          Easy integration with JavaScript framework.       ·          Helps to decrease complexity of project       ·          P...

The Historical of the Development Strategic Management Concept

The origin of strategic concept goes to beginning of the business world, therefore it became vast issue to represent corrective meaning (what is it, how to use it, what are the benefits and how it help to improve business). Several authors and researchers try to do that but they failed to find out accurate way of evolution. On account of that author  Jeffery Bracker of Georgia State University   develop a definition to the strategic management concept by using sharing attributes of past definitions which will be helpful for who study and teach in classroom.

Looking Glass

LG3D Looking Glass

Radio Frequency Identification

What is rfid Radio Frequency Identification is rapidly improving and developing technology in today world. During the Second World War rfid technique use in very first time (1970).Whether you may don’t know this technology, but used in daily life. To understand bit of this just think about barcode system in super market. That is the simplest form we can see. Rfid technology is a means of gathering data by touching/seeing a data carrier. Most important feature of this is tracking objects and then uniquely identifying them. But no need direct sight line to recognize. This will give great new potential.

On Line banking system

Main Object is to implement a Paper Less Banking System for Bank of ABC. Which Connected Online Through 300 + Branches? Based on the Introducing SMART CARD for Bank of  ABC  Customers SMART CARD is acting as a Debit card as well as the Bank ID card for an Account              

Present and Future Trends in IT

What is IT Greatest asset in any modern businesses or organization is Information.  IT means retrieval, processing, storage and analysis of textual, graphical, numeric and vocal data using computers and interconnecting networks. In past few years the role of IT has changed dramatically.  

Common Problems Faced by Business Organization in implementing Internet Based Applications

Business organization which is always expecting and looking for gain profits in to. These organizations inspiring to implement internet based applications to improve their business. Mainly there are two reasons why is that. They are, ·          They can communicate all over the world. ·          No need to install at every client’s computer.

How to write Stored Procedure to get employee details of one department or all department

Imagine there is a table called Employee. And you have interface like below then you must write query for both single department and all department option,   Then you can write stored procedure without using if conditions  as follows .

Proposed Indoor hospital card system for manually operate environment

Scope of Study: ABC hospital has three main branches island wide. These branches are not interconnected. Therefore, a patient who receives treatment from one branch will have to continue his/her further treatments at the same branch. To avoid this situation, i am proposing a centralized system for all three branches. For this purpose we recommend rfid card usage for each patient. Each patient will be entitled with an electronic card containing all his/her previous medical treatments, reports and other valued data. This system will allow the patient to obtain the best medical treatments as available at any of the ABC hospital branches. The users of Indoor hospital card system will primarily be doctors, card issuers, data entry operators and general users are affiliated with the ABC hospital that will use the program during their day to day consultation periods with patients visiting the clinic. The Indoor hospital card system will handl...

Project Management Philosophy for Inventory Control System

Summary of the project •        Inventory control system- Department of labor , Sri Lanka •        As we are going to improve a system of the Inventory control system, we choose the most important function for our processing system, so we will be picking up the following system, which will be helpful to improve the efficiency of our processing system. Ø   Purchasing Order Ø   Delivering Goods Ø   Payments