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Radio Frequency Identification

What is rfid

Radio Frequency Identification is rapidly improving and developing technology in today world. During the Second World War rfid technique use in very first time (1970).Whether you may don’t know this technology, but used in daily life. To understand bit of this just think about barcode system in super market. That is the simplest form we can see.

Rfid technology is a means of gathering data by touching/seeing a data carrier. Most important feature of this is tracking objects and then uniquely identifying them. But no need direct sight line to recognize. This will give great new potential.

How does it work

In an rfid system, there are tags integrated with readers. This tag reader generates radio frequency signals which communicate with rfid tags also capture reply signals from tags. 

The Elements of an RFID System

·         RFID tag
·         Readers
·         RFID middleware
·         RFID software applications

 RFID tags

These tags can classify as two different types. They are,

o    Classification by tag type.

§  Passive tags.

      These tags don’t have power source in their own and usually operate maximum 3m distance. When communicate with reader these tags have power. This sim capable to hold 64 bit range data. Common as class 0 tags.

§  Semi – Passive tags.
   These are just like other passive tags but the difference is maintaining a battery power in tags.

§  Active tags.
These tags have their own power source and capable to communicate 100m distance or more away (only need less signal to process).

o    Classification by memory type.
§  Read Only.
§  Write Only.


 According to the design and technology readers can be categorize as two types, they are

o    Read
§  Only read data from tags.
§  different types for different protocols, frequencies and standards

o    Read/Write
§  Read and write data from/on the tags.

How RFID technology evolving in today and future

o    Reader development.

         In today rfid readers comes as wireless portable unit. That is very easy to use and to development also. Readers are growing now to capture data from long distance (more than 100m) with more capable of processing (using low signal strength also) just as collecting data.

o    Standards development.

       There are many common standards used in today and you can customize them also. They are,

§  EPC (Electronic Product Code) Standards.
§  ISO Standards.
E.g.:- ISO 11784/ ISO 11785    - Radio frequency identification of animals
          ISO/IEC 14443 -Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards
o    Tag development.

      At this stage most companies dislike to develop this because of the cost. For one dollar product it is impossible thing to spent 3 cents for tags. In that case in small business companies inspire to cut down this technology from their business.  If you go for more capable tags then there are some additional costs also.

o    RFID development kits

§  ntermec Intellitag® Radio Frequency Identification Developer's Kit

Whatever RFID is today very typical and massively used in some business. Because it is simple to use and no need any additional human recourses to process. Below are some examples

o    In supermarket/shops places this technology widely using (Barcode systems).

o    Warehousing and supply chain.
     These businesses are conduct by major companies so the demand for these items is very high. So supply is also same as demand. In this case it is not feasible thing to unpack all logistics and analyze at warehouse side/customer side.  So rfid is massy used in this chain then no need to unpack boxes to check items.

o    Identification and security.
    This area is obviously better to used rfid because if there any failure that is high risk. While transmitting data among reader and tags can encode /encrypt data then nobody can see them. This is also can use to identify a human using small chip. We can insert that chip to human body then we can find him where he go thru rfid. This is very important to catch crimes.  

o    Credit/Debit cards.
o    Animal tracking
o     Inserted beneath the skin, can be rice-sized.

There are more ongoing researches of rfid. Thus near future will be very different with this technology. Below are some of them, 

o    Auto generating receipt.
o    Tracking Bees.
o    Track shipping containers, or heavy machinery, trucks, and railroad cars...etc.

Key players and manufactures of RFID

   Look at the statement which said by wall mart,

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and a number of its suppliers are using a Dallas distribution center as the starting point for an rfid technology that's targeted to one day replaces the bar code.

     What we can understand through this is Wal-Mart is one of leading company which using this technology. Not only there are another companies too.

§  Material Handling Industry of America widely using RFID (
§  STiD
§  I.S.I.A.
§  memoori……………………………… etc.

RFID manufactures

·         Tag manufactures
§  Alien
§  Motorola
§  Impinj
§  ntermec Inc
§  Zebra Technologies Corporation
§  Confidex ……………………. Etc.

·         Reader manufactures
§   Alien Technology Readers
§  Impinj RFID Readers
§   Invengo RFID Readers………………Etc.

·         Antennas manufactures
§  Impinj RFID Antennas
§  ITS RFID Antennas ………………Etc.


o    No straight signal line required. Tags can be at any place important thing is reading range of reader.
o    Rfid tags don’t have read range than readers.  E.g.: barcodes
o    Tags have read/write memory capability while barcode don’t have that.
o    One tag can use to store large amount of data and also have unique identifier.
o    Tags are less sensitive to dust, chemicals, physical damages….etc.
o    Tags can combine with sensors.
o     For tag detection no need a human invention.
o    Tags are very easy to install/inject inside animal body.
o    Reduce robbers.
o    Improve inventory accuracy.
o    Location identification

Disadvantages and Limitations

o    Standardization
     There is some standards (ISO, EPC) to develop rfid systems in this case developing freedom is limited.

o    Cost
     Cost of tags is depend on the tag type and if you go for higher capable tags then cost also will be higher.

o    Collision
     If reader tries to read several tags at a time then there can be signal collision. To avoid these anti-collision algorithms can use but it an additional cost.

o    Faulty manufacture of tag
   All tags come in to markets are not 100% failure-free today. About 20–30% of tags are with errors.

o    Frequency
There are many factors to consider choosing a frequency. They are,
§  Transmission mode
   Basically rfid using two transmission frequencies, indeed there are another more transmission rates too. But they are banded t use. (UHF with typical frequency ranges of 433MHz, 865–956MHz and 2.45GHz)

§  Behavior of tagged goods and environment
§  International standards in frequency allocation (ISO,EPC)

o    Quick technology obsolescence
    Today this technology is rapidly changing day by day. So the company is lazy to use this because there are data thefts also keeping growing with the technology. So increase expenses.

o    Possible virus attack
   If you use backend database together with the rfid software, then again there is viruses which affecting to database (sql/oracle).

o    Security and Privacy Issues
    There is different kind of people in world. Criminals can misuse this technique to steal the private data (credit card details). That is big impact to the security also. Because to do this no need  big equipments just a small chip. 


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